DS & S Law - Kenmore Square, Boston.

In case you had voluntarily sequestered yourself somewhere isolated for the past ten years, social media is a thing now. And it's become a pretty integral part of most people's identity.  Whether that's a good or bad thing is still up for debate, but one of the things I think is most important is putting forward an authentic face and voice for your business or entrepreneurial adventure. For personal self? That's up to you :) So when Chris asked my clued-in husband if I would be interested in coming up with some fresh head shots for his law firm's website, I was really excited! Apart from the fact that I love working with new clients, I appreciate it when people see the value in making sure that the authenticity in their website content, is equally supported with photos that match their brand. We managed to coordinate the session on one of the last mild Fall days of the season and I think all the attorneys enjoyed spending an hour or so at the end of their day outside - even if it did involve having their photo taken :) They were heaps of fun to work with and I can't wait to see their new website in January 2015!

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